At conferences, scholarships or appointment processes – it is becoming increasingly important to present your research and results in an understandable and interesting way.

As a scientist with a doctorate, I know the academic world, as a science journalist I know how to convey complex content in an exciting way, and as a manager I regularly give presentations even in difficult situations.

Take advantage of my experience and learn professional techniques that are relevant, practical and quick to implement.

Recommended for

  • Scientists
  • Group leaders
  • PhD students
  • Research management
  • Students
  • People who want to give a talk (or must)

Individualised and discreet

Every person is different, every situation is different – that’s why I tailor your training with a modular structure. I adapt it to your knowledge and wishes, so that experienced speakers benefit from fresh impulses and insights just as much as young academics. I also take your current mood into account.

Ask for training now

I will be happy to support you with my expertise. Do you have any questions about my coaching programmes? Do you have any special requests? Just send me a message! I look forward to hearing from you.

Ask for a quote (free)

Your research is exciting - show it!

Many speakers waste the opportunity to present their subject and their achievements as they really deserve. Do it differently! Get your audience excited about your subject – whether in lectures or presentations – and show them what is fascinating about it, where the challenges lie and why the work is worthwhile!

In my courses, you will learn methods for giving exciting, informative, understandable and entertaining presentations.

Success techniques for your area of expertise

Communicate complex content attractively and show your competence at the same time – it also works with challenging topics. Benefit from my experience as a science journalist and learn techniques for perfect presentations. I customise the training to suit your subject and the presentation culture in your scientific community.

I have already helped many scientists – young and old, curious and sceptical, beginners and professionals. I am also happy to support you and your colleagues.

How your presentation makes an impression

At conferences, when applying for a scholarship, in your defence, when applying for funding or in appointment processes – you need to be convincing with your presentation and succeed against others, both in terms of content and as a person. I can help you with this.

Through my many years of work as a science journalist, I have specialised in presenting complex issues in an understandable way and making them memorable for the audience. Take advantage of my experience and deliver your message effectively.

Present with confidence

Many people are nervous when giving a public speech. Learn from me how to manage stage fright and do more with your presentation than just „as usual“.

With my experience from live programmes and as an interviewer, I am your ideal sparring partner. We will practise how to gain confidence, how to present yourself in a likeable way and how to establish a connection with the audience. Practise with me how you can feel comfortable and how you can unfold your potential.

Schedule a consultation now

We will agree on your topics, target groups and needs – non-binding. Individual one-to-one coaching, group training, crash courses, intensive support – just ask me!

Just ask

Modules of the presentation training

  • reach and convince your audience
  • storytelling
  • clear wording
  • voice and speech training
  • make a professional impression online
  • mastering success factors
  • how to optimise slides
  • speak freely
  • appear relaxed and self-confident
  • body language
  • deal with stage fright

Techniques that can be applied immediately

In my training courses, you will give presentations yourself and receive professional feedback and practical tips from me. You practise in a safe space. Together, we will develop tools and techniques that suit your subject and your purpose and that you can use immediately for your speeches and presentations.

It brings more than you think

Even experienced speakers gain new insights in my workshops and benefit from successful methods from psychology, science communication and speech training.

We agree on your topics, target groups and requirements and work together to sharpen your personal presentation style and make the most of your individual strengths.

Online training

Flexibly, all my presentation training courses take place online, so they fit well beside research and teaching.

By the way: I can also help you to make a competent appearance in video calls, webinars and online conferences. Just ask me about it. (I’ve experienced far too many bad video conferences. You too?)

Give the best presentation at the conference or in the application process. I will help you.

⸻ Ihr Experte      

Dr. Aeneas Rooch

  • Science journalist (TV, radio, podcast)
  • Manager (IT, energy, media)
  • Scientist
  • Bestselling author

Benefit from my 15 years of experience in international business presentations, live media appearances, science shows and scientific lectures. I am happy to share my knowledge and help you to become even better – effectively, humorously and professionally.

Get in touch